1) “The Grail! He hath found The Grail!” The priest’s exultant cries brought folk running. As they gathered, he urged the battered knight, “Drink of it, and the land shall be renewed!”
The village wise woman, who’d come to a halt nigh the holy man’s elbow, coughed.
…— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 23, 2018
2) “Well, actually, Holy One, it’s not quite that quick. If ye read the scripture, he drinks, then nature takes its course, and right where he, ah, lets fly, that little bit of land is renewed.”
…— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 23, 2018
3) “And then The Grail vanishes, holy choir singing and all, and someone else has to find it, and do their golden bit on another little bit, and so on.”
“But—but—that means the renewal will take years! Lifetimes!”
…— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 23, 2018
4) “Aye. Think of it as keeping ye in a steady job, Holy One. Ye and all thy offsprung Little Holy Ones, after ye. The Gods move in mysterious ways.”#epic fantasy
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 23, 2018