A great video from a great channel (if a bit clickbaity in the title, hehe), but really breaks down the importance of the magic YOU make at your gaming table with your players is and SHOULD be unique to yours. We learn bits from each other that work for us, & we define the rest. https://t.co/tOpkVhL5WI
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 11, 2019
Up until recently, none of us had any experiences to craft our play styles or preferences after besides our local game stores, gaming groups, and (if lucky) a convention here and there. We now have a wonderful means of showing many different styles to take inspiration from!
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 11, 2019
That being said, take those tools that resonate with you and make something special that is entirely YOURS. Try your best not to stress/expect/compare, because there WILL be things you do that I myself and many others could not have, and your other players will delight in them.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 11, 2019
Had a potential player ask if I had learned to DM from Matt …
I said “No, I have learned through doing it for over 40 years.” (Started D&D back in 1976 as the DM)
He told me I must suck then and left. 🙄 Maaaaaaaaan, fuck that.— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 11, 2019
The pedestal is very strange, but I also am very aware of my own failings and things I can definitely continue to improve/learn from others, so it mostly doesn’t affect me. I can’t say I enjoy the “pedestal” some folks create, but alas.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) April 11, 2019