hello everybody
and give me a second let me mute this
computer here we go
hi everybody welcome to the first
episode of the newbie dm
show uh it’s a new show for me first of
all i want to thank you all for joining
those of you watching live and those of
you who are watching on vod in the
thank you for joining me on the show
this is a special show for me i’ve been
thinking a lot
about what to do on video where do i
want to take
this whole video thing and i thought
maybe doing a show where i interview
would be an interesting thing i like
talking to people so why not and
you’re only your show is only as good as
your first
guest right and so i figured i’d start
two of the best uh not two good shows
out in one
uh joining me tonight on this debut of
the newbie dm show
are two legends in the d d industry the
rpg industry in general
mr ed greenwood and mr jeff grubb ed
jeff thank you for joining me how are
you guys doing tonight
we’re doing real well yeah thank you for
having us on uh
this is great for me i’m geeking out
because you guys are you know i’m a big
fan of you guys i’m big fans of your
work from
uh you know from from days gone by so
i just for me i’m geeking out here and
and um
i want to thank you for joining me and
i’m going to get straight to it i’m not
going to i don’t want to spend a lot of
time saying hi to each other we did that
for half an hour before we started the
so ed greenwood creator of the forgotten
uh you designed the world uh the world
is still being
played today it’s a world that’s
retained its popularity for
40 years or so we know how it started
we’ve all heard the stories you started
writing articles for dragon magazine
and a gentleman by the name of jeff
grubb was sent
a big box of material and they told him
here we’re going to publish this turn it
into a world
uh want to give me a little bit of him
give us a little bit of insights into
how this went down ed
and jeff you jump in whenever you feel
you need to
oh boy well okay
so your dragon magazine ten years
oh start there okay yeah because the
realm started ten years earlier when i
was ago
all right i’m gonna interrupt
i know you started with dragon magazine
issue number
30. so let’s talk about that how do we
get there
okay okay so to get there
um i start uh
reading dragon with issue
seven in the local toronto gaming store
and um i am by then
reintroduced to dnd for the second time
and uh we’re starting to play d d we’re
also playing other
things like a box set game from tsr
called divine right
which came out about um in those days
and uh
it had two things wrong with it an
unfinished rule that stopped in
and a different number of counters for
one country
on the punch-out sheet than in the rules
so i wrote
errata or fixits for how we played it
and and they they and i sent them off to
dragon and they saved it for a theme
which was dragon 34 and dragon
and then they i noticed in the they had
featured creature as a thing called
dragon’s mastery which
at the bottom said hey you get paid 25
25 dollars for
every monster here and everything on
these pages is as official as anything
published to the monster manual
so i wrote up a monster the cursed
for dragon 30 and sent it off
and they published it if i remember i
wrote the second one the crawling
yeah crawling claw for dragon 32 right i
sent i mailed it off this is how long
ago this is
snail mail there’s no internet i mailed
it off 16 days later
my copy of dragon came to me with my
monster in it
and i said they’re desperate and i
sat down at my father’s old underwood
and i banged out
monsters monsters monsters and sent them
and the i also wrote something that was
near and dear to my heart the gates
uh which um was editorially titled
from the city of brass to dead or pass
in one small step
i just called it gates in d d and
i sent it off and that got me
a phone call
from kim mohan to the library where i
work saying
are you coming to gen con this year and
i said
uh i am now
and he said good i want to talk to you
he offered me a post of contributing
and i said what does that mean what do i
get paid
he goes that’s the contributing part um
and it was he had been impressed with
his background in journalism
that he’d received an article the first
dragon article that had footnotes in it
this might have been an error in
judgment on his part but it
um he made me a contributing editor and
i think he was delighted because it
meant that he could assign stuff
like he could be a an editor like in
where if you have a piece of art or you
have a theme or you have a topic and you
need something of a certain length
written in a hurry
because the issue would grow or
shrink by eight pages depending on the
the ads coming in for that issue
um he had finally had somebody he could
sort of contact to do stuff more or less
to order
and that’s how the wizards 3 articles
started they were
like the ecology the ecology of
series that that actually came from a
defunct magazine called dragon lords
and they had about six of them and he
said hey
you want to do this and here are the
monsters we’d like you to start with
so that’s how i started and because i
was a shy retiring canadian i know it’s
hard to believe shy and retiring um
i felt it was incredibly gauche to start
an article saying hi my name is ed
greenwood you never heard of me but
here’s a better way of rolling dyson
you’ve ever thought of you schmucks
i just thought that was not a good
authorial voice
so and i also didn’t i knew that every
player read
every issue of the magazine as well as
dungeon masters if they could get their
hands on it
so i didn’t want to say in the second
room of the ruined castle there are
eight orcs and their hit points are
xyz you know i wanted to say
it’s rumored that there are orcs you
know as i wanted an unreliable narrator
elminster stepped into the pages of my
articles and i would say it’s rumored
and and i would mention the realms
because i could use it as a
way of illustration an example and
jeff grubb noticed this well there’s
a bit of a story behind that over to
jeff uh
literally we had started building worlds
with dragon lance
um and believe it or not at the end of
the first after the first year came out
was becoming very successful
and our company was saying okay what
next i mean we have a story we have an
epic but what happens after that
you know do we have anything else that
we want to want to do and
uh i’m the poor poor schmuck who
basically said
uh you know ed’s been writing all these
and mentioning all the stuff about you
know this this area called the forgotten
realms maybe does he have
anything there and as a result they said
you say you call him up see if he can
see if he’s willing to sell it to us
and i go okay and i call him up and
he got the library and uh basically say
we were interested in in buying your
world and basically you know we you’ve
been running you you have a campaign
have you been writing stuff down is
there is there material oh yes i’ve been
running a campaign for some
quite some time and it’s just you know
it’s the adventures it’s the
company of crazed venturers it’s golden
there’s uh activity in waterdeep and in
court in
shadowdale uh but then we’ve generated
some materials that’s great
we’d like to like to buy it from you and
we’d like to develop it further
and he said well you know since you’ve
published a lot of this
in dragon magazine i thought you already
owned it
and my response was i’m not going to
tell anybody you said that
we’d like to buy it from you and we
we purchased it for a small amount of
money um
a computer without a hard drive we gave
you a hard drive the second
uh in the second year
uh i promised you probably i’ll give you
a sack of flour
for your world
yes i’ve got these magic trees
yeah let me ask my questions and promise
so let me ask you a question ed so you
get this call from
from jeff grubb right and you’re i’m
going to assume you’re about 30 years
old back then your 30 year old dungeon
um running games in your world and
and the company that publishes dungeons
and dragons calls you and tells you
we want to buy your world do you
suddenly feel like the king of the nerds
are you like wow i’m the king of the
dungeon masters
they want to buy my world uh no no
no no why i just i just felt
oh good i’m gonna get color maps that
don’t have pencil crayon marks in them
yes yes yes yes
no i i wasn’t thinking of king of
anything i was just thinking oh
this is going to be wonderful
ed how long was your campaign going
before we before we bought it
how long were you playing dmd with your
i i started playing d d in 75 okay
and we said this is cool but it’s just
going to devolve into an argument
at that point there were just the three
booklets grey hawk and and
black moore and eldridge wizard he
hadn’t come out yet right so
there was no thief there was no you know
it was like this is a cool storytelling
idea it’s just going to devolve into an
okay but at the time the player’s
handbook was brand new and published
so jack vance’s magic system made it to
the monster manual that had already come
i said okay i’m changing everything in
the realms which was a
story world up until then i was writing
stories from this is going to be my
hidden armature my network of bones
to keep me honest as an author and make
everything hang together because
they’ve done it for me and we started
playing d d
steadily the the the home realm campaign
in 1978 and it’s continued ever since
wow how do you gain these days it’s like
once a year
how did your gaming group react to the
fact that tsr was going to publish the
world that we’re playing in that must
have been mind blowing for them as
players you know
um are we going to get paid for this
yeah yeah you get you have to sign this
release form and you get paid one
one american dollar and if you don’t
agree to that we don’t use your
oh okay um so that i
they signed all the release forms and i
just threw them in one of the fedex
um they never got the dollar from qsr
they got it from i don’t remember the
dollars so that’s how i have these
american dollars
yeah i’ll send them out so i covered it
it’s all right
okay no no it’s okay give me give me a
purchase order i can basically reimburse
i’ll buy a pizza so please talk about
the process oh
cool i i from the point you send your
material to tsr and jeff you you get all
this material and you start building
oh no no no no no no it’s not a big box
no it’s it was weekly
fedex packages and this is the days
before the
internet everything was fedex
it was fedex to make sure it gets from
to wisconsin because you know shipping
things by uh
post uh parcel posts and everything
would have a tendency to maybe hang up
at the border
for quite some time we both have stories
of that so federal express was our
he’s still on the way yeah and he would
pull together his notes and what he’s
what he’s written on and this was stuff
that was type written
this was not stuff that was you know
basically in any and well
it you did put it into uh computer files
and i would get this incredibly this
large package federal express
that was you know filled with with paper
that uh basically was like wrapped 17
times so it would be like uh it’d be in
the package and then there you open it
up and there would be some some brown
paper and you open it up and there’d be
of this heavy canadian cellophane that
basically you could use to insulate your
windows and open that up
and then there’d be foil and then you
open that up and there’d be another
layer of paper i mean you keep digging
it down
cardboard and i would i would be just
i’d spend like five minutes ripping
across and one of the editors on the
other side of the cube wall saying
another package from ed oh yeah
and then when he said discs those would
be wrapped in foil
and then wrapped in cellophane and then
wrapped in paper i mean he’d make sure
this stuff was
uh just as intact as possible
and early material oh my goodness
um one thing i mentioned is that at one
point he was using a typewriter that the
key didn’t work so he drew in
all the little keys after he finished a
page and
it was like a little graveyard and we
you know and you would like have one
eighth of an inch margins
and right from the very top of the page
to the bottom of the page and if he
didn’t like something he would sometimes
cut it out and reassemble it that was
literally physical cut and paste so
this was like very rough
notes area and this became the
for uh for the realms
he sent us his original photocopies of
his original maps
which were he put them on i think 24
eight and a half by 11 sheets of paper
and then we assembled them
in the office you know and is that that
thing were those the original maps
so it is ed sending you packages through
because he’s inventing the as he’s
going along
because he sold his world and now he’s
got to deliver or is this there’s so
much content
that has got to send it out in waves
yes yes he’s sending me his content he’s
sending me the material now
in the gray box which was our first game
you you will see that a lot of the
write-ups have like some information
and then elminster’s notes and the elle
minister’s notes are
just about what he had sent us
in that material so we’ll have some
areas that have a lot of information
uh like um oh
i have a blog what’s the one on the east
with the uh with the uh
uh no problem um
symbiote was the place where evil
merchants came from that the player
characters could defraud
but further uh one world that you were
keeping open for the rpga
yeah oh that was that was ravens bluff
the eastern side of the vast yeah that
was that was raven’s bluff for that and
in the further
east there was an area with the snow
there we go and you had a large section
on rashman so there was a large section
of rashman in the original box
because we used what was there available
sembia we originally held out to be an
area that we’re not going to go into go
play with that and you know we’re not
going to mess with it
and that lasted about three years uh
so but that was an area that because
primarily we had nothing on sembia
we had a lot on cormier we had a lot on
shadowdale we had a lot on
uh waterdeep we had a lot of baldur’s
and basically fitting all the pieces
together working through the maps
and and i i have to admit this we re
we redrew parts of his map uh
doug niles had a half finished
novel that he was writing with tsr uk it
was going to do the british dragon lance
and then they cancelled the project and
he had a half written novel
and we said ooh we can take that and so
we redrew the moon chase
which were originally uh more mica
archipelago more like earthy you always
um and we uh basically just
dropped it right into the realm so that
was the nature of the realms as we could
just because it was such
uh d d so d and d based
that we could basically put things in
there that had been orphaned
that didn’t have a place otherwise uh
desert of desolation
uh the h series uh ten towns
um all of those were areas that got
added as we continue to develop the
was there anything you had to leave out
because ed
there’s no way we’re putting this in
this product
was there anything like that that you
could give us a little hint about
no yes i don’t think so yes
i think i think jeff was doing the
my my adult language
but i don’t think there were any
geographical areas that we left out no
there were no geographical areas that we
basically put
well that we that we didn’t redrew
redraw but yes um
that’s the fest hall story um we had
and had done all these maps of all of
uh towns of shadowdale and of arabelle
and of waterdeep all these seth house
he has the map key and basically okay
this is great we can just you know type
everything in and we
we were ready to go but a lot of some of
the buildings
were brothels bordellos
uh i think it was a cirglio or two you
know okay
i’m afraid we can’t do that so my choice
either re-key the entire map
or find something else to call these
and that’s where we came up with the
idea of fest halls which are
much like the way you portray them is
a place of enjoyment of their of of
stating various
desires food wine song
you know company and
as a result that has now entered into
the language
as you know as a you know a fest hall
so okay that’s that that’s our
contribution to english so how much time
passed between
i recall go ahead
i’m just going to say i recall jim jim
at an early gen con explaining oh fest
it’s like that that hall that you rent
in town for weddings funerals and bar
mitzvahs yes
and somebody said oh okay and walked
away it’s like the horticulture
hall in lake geneva where the first gen
con was it’s
a public space so so how much time
passes yeah
how much time passes between the fedex
packages and
1987 when the gray box is released
how much development time when did we
start working was it 86 or 85
i think it’s the a6 june of 86
june of 86 is my first package okay
um to you guys and
the foldout freebie map
in dragon comes out i think
in the very early fall you know the one
that stapled into the middle
right and then doug nile’s novel is the
first realms release
right and i think there’s about six
yeah yeah i feel like all right we first
met once
and then physically at that gen con at
at the gym but literally we’re
assembling the tsr
booth and i’m not like one end of a beam
and he’s at the other end of a beam and
oh by the way i’m i’m jeff grubb and he
oh really i’m ed greenwood we’ve been
working together for the past three
okay do you have any input in that
doug niles novel yes
um no in the novel directly no
just just to say yes that’s fine if you
sink my moon chase
um and then
then i see the finished novel you know
when it comes out like a gamer you know
oh gosh i think the only herb that was
always a problem
getting him stuff mm-hmm yeah
because i i do know that um
when when bob salvatore sent his first
the crystal shard i actually got
a typescript manuscript and i don’t mean
i mean just as a a photocopy of what
came off bob’s
typewriter it certainly looked like a
typewriter not a computer
and the question was is it okay if we
use all these wizards
and the i said please don’t use grimwall
because i know that one of my players is
working on
her that we will run at a gen con and
i’m sure
that they’ll be they’ll will build in an
because bauble says one thing about
grimwald and
another thing will be said in the
adventure but aside from that and and i
just threw another couple wizard names
he could use instead
and as far as that i know that was the
only early editorial thing
um any other fiction for the uh
dark walker on moonshae we basically uh
took the uh
shantia we took ball we basically took a
lot of your gods and said and these are
the gods of this operation so that was
operating at a very high level
but as far as you know robin and the
rest of the characters those came out of
doug’s head actually interesting story
crystal shard was not uh when bob
first uh applied for uh
basically once i want to write a novel
for you and basically he wrote
uh the first 50 pages of a sequel to the
a two uh dark walker on moonshade and
you know i reviewed it i said i meant
ran into doug and i said doug i read
your first uh first draft and you know
it’s a little different and but you know
it’s pretty good and he just looked at
me says i’m not writing a sequel
yet okay so i had to track down and find
no this came from from a young man named
bob salvatore
and yeah basically and we went back and
said you know we you the realm is this
big you can you know cr
take your own territory you can
basically you know create for a
different area i can do that yes
yes you can do that and that’s where of
course crystal shard and brunor and
dritz and all the rest of the
that that area just sort of like evolved
out of
so second edition d d comes out and
obviously the realms has to
evolve with it so this book comes out
forgotten realms adventures both of you
worked on this book this happens to be
one of my favorite books by the way
i love this book one of the things i
love about this book
is what you had to do to the assassin
character class
and if you don’t remember i’ll remind
you they basically all drop
dead into fiction yes the assassins in
the world
can you talk a little bit about either
how awesome that sounds
or how ridiculous it sounds
got another bob story and bob tells his
story too so i feel very comfortable
with this
basically god yes they decided we’re
gonna go over to
over to uh um uh second edition we’re
making some major changes we’re not
gonna talk about cavaliers anymore we’re
gonna basically you know change up all
the spells and everything
and we’ve got um and we’re getting rid
of assassins when we got this great
in the novel that they were planning of
where all the assassins erupted
and bob he’s got a major character
that’s an assassin
well okay you have to call bob and tell
that you know he has to he has to get
rid of that character
and you know but he can kill him and he
can get rid of any way he wants we’re
giving him the freedom of choice there
but you jeff get the call so i call it
bob and i
i tell bob you okay here’s the situation
we’re getting rid of assassins we’re
going to do it in a very
very epic way do you want to get kill
your assassin
first let me call you back and you know
he hangs up and then there’s i
expect there are some forward phone
calls between him in the book department
between this and he calls back
he says jeff that character is not an
assassin oh really
he just kills people for money
and that’s how we kept the character so
you know i i felt very good about that
it felt like a very very logical
solution and i
i think that was brilliant so uh so
yes the world did change as we went from
first edition
to second edition and we did it through
the time of troubles i was writing the
comic book at the time
and we broke that into the comic book as
well um
so that was actually the i consider that
book to be sort of like
my my endpoint um i was i’ve worked on a
lot of stuff for tsr over the years and
i had
like a lot of people who have been
excellent editors and designers who have
picked up the tasks
but that was sort of my last major um
uh project and so that sort of like
closes the arc
of that first couple years that starts
with doc walker and moon shaffer
ends with the uh uh avatar trilogy
yeah because i notice you’re not you’re
not a part of the third edition for gun
but it but at this point you’re still
with wizards of the coast
well so
i had worked for a tsr i left and went
freelance worked for some other
companies including margaret weiss’s
group uh and then rejoined everybody out
in seattle
at wizards of the coast but not to work
on a road i think rich baker was you
know basically running that one so
got it but not working in the realms i
was working star wars
i was working d20 modern um
i did an adventure tied in with the d d
movie which is a scary thing
yeah diablo diablo i did a diablo box
set yeah
so i was kind of versatile so did you
d20 which is a cool thing one of the
great things about
i’m going to go off topic real quick
quick question did you think d20 was a
good fit for star wars
yeah yes i do um they picked up the
system for
knights of the old republic as far as uh
uh the mechanics
for it for the for the computer game and
uh i liked actually basically taking
that and adapting it
to the star wars universe um the guy in
of us bill slavisek was actually one of
the designers
at west end on star wars material he was
the guy who created you know
who named a lot of alien races like the
yeah uh so we we so you know basically i
think the sense of continuity there
really helped as well
because that game had a lot of big
shoots to fill following the west end
games d6 game
it did it did the west end game was
so my wife still plays it so do i
so ed second edition d
for gun realms um what’s your favorite
story of that era
what’s your favorite forgotten realm
not a book but your favorite story like
something that happened or a funny
oh about working on the realms
well that second edition is when i
ruined two bed spreads
okay i had these um in the room i’m
speaking into you now
which is now part of my office
but in those days was a spare room with
two single beds
with those icky poplin bedspreads you
know where they have little tufts
in a pattern it’s like a piece of cloth
there’s a bedspread with little tufts
here and there
like so many little tumbleweeds known as
okay well i i ruined one set doing
the maps for forgotten realms adventures
that tome you held up earlier
i did those maps in two weeks the city
maps and i was commuting 100 miles to
yeah all the city maps every single city
with a staedtler pen drawing tiny little
square boxes yeah all of those
um and those took that took me two weeks
which is probably why i needed glasses
and and then along came the menzo box
and i ruined the other bedspread because
i was drawing it on 17 by 35
sheets of paper which were plastic
coated on
the reverse side and i thought oh good
this will protect the bed spread i don’t
have to worry
little did i know and and you see the
thing is when you’re drawing
stalagmites you can draw them by hand
or you can try and save time shove a
clipboard underneath it get out one of
templates that has little round holes of
different sizes in it
for your geometry class in school and
do stalagmites at top speed in little
clusters to fill in
um all the areas in menzo in a heck of a
so i did that and that went the other
bed spread so
there you go i think that’s my favorite
story because
i don’t have to name any names i don’t
have to throw any people under the bus
there were
hilarious colorful stories about last
minute rescues
for products and and writing an entire
product in a weekend
because something had gone wrong or
the the ever popular edit dragon
editorial thing
see this piece of art ed yeah i can just
see it when i peer into the email could
you possibly send
a slightly larger jpeg oh okay we’ll
send you a larger jpeg in a couple hours
but you better start writing now because
we need the text that goes with that
by thursday it’s wednesday night yes
that’s what i said by thursday we know
you can do it there was lots of that
only that we didn’t do that when you
think of these great class
departments yeah
no no it’s mainly books and it was
making periodicals checking
okay games department did the other
the saint valentine’s day massacre thing
the products that went away yeah
you see they would that’s true everybody
would do their dream products under be
this sort of
the first version of the catalog every
year would have everybody’s dream
products in it
and then upper management would meet and
we only have this much budget this much
press time and this much paper
we can’t do all of these things and it
became known
as the saint valentine’s day massacre
because they would put products up
against the wall and shoot them and
because of the time of year when this
generally happened
you put the two of those together and
you put designers who understand
cultural references
and bing and year after year products
would fall off the end
uh right the elves have ever meet was it
that first fell off the end i think
three years ago three years
i think it wasn’t and actually i i was a
i was a participant in that because
since i was one of the only people to
know how to use
page maker on a macintosh jim ward and i
would retreat to the corner where we had
a mac 2
and we’d start moving things around on
the schedule
and this is what caused the massacre
often was the case of
we can’t have four boxes all releasing
in july you know we have to you know
spread it out
and so that created a lot of that okay
we’re going to do this we’re going to
move it back we’re going to
do this we’re going to move this one
back and some of them moved back to
and some of them moved back elves if
ever meet eventually saw the light of
so jeff you just done it more more
eyes bigger than our stomachs i guess
you mentioned it briefly
i wanted to ask you about the forgotten
realms comic book um
how did that come about how how much
influence did dc have on it versus how
much influence did you guys at tsr
have on it and and what was the general
i guess my question is was that meant to
help promote dnd
or help promote dc or both what’s the
story behind that comic
it’s a both sort of thing but it was a
to uh dc i don’t know how we ended up
with it
i think in part somebody reminded me
that i originally i
also designed a marvel superheroes game
based on marvel comics and i think that
took us
into the world of uh with
other comic book companies and dc was
aware of us
and you know do you want to do a license
we’d love to do a license and we started
talking about it
uh the first books were things like
where a d and d which was
set in the forgotten realms uh dragon
and one called gamma rotters which was
a gamma world kind of spin-off with
kaiju you know uh creatures
like you know a giant hamster and
it was it was kind of fun um and they
basically did some did some comics based
on those and the a d and d book did very
um mike fleischer did the first four
uh oh gosh i can’t remember who’s
the second one anything carrie i and i
auditioned for four issues in the issues
nine through
twelve for my issues and on the basis of
they uh hired me as a uh
free freelance author to uh basically
the new forgotten realms series so we
took the character out of the a d and d
line agravar and we basically set that
the forgotten realms in the forgotten
realms comic and that was
uh like a great opportunity and it
worked out very well because
i would show all the strips to
uh jim ward our boss uh
before i sent them out so the scripts
went scripts became pre-approved
so there was much less of a chance of
sending something back
and tsr saying oh we don’t like this so
that had a great advantage as far as dc
was concerned and we got to talk about
bits of the realms
we got to talk about you know areas that
brought in a character that we had
my wife and i created alias of westgate
from our azure
bonds novel and we ran over uh
uh what the elven gods were doing during
uh the time of troubles
and so we got it gave us a lot of
chances to
explore the realms as we went forward so
and we went
like 25 issues
behind that ed have any input into that
i don’t think i don’t think i don’t
think i sent you anything for approval
did i no
i appear in it yes
you at the end no but i appear into
driving a forklift
yes uh there’s a lot
issue 24 show up early on
yes issue 24 everyone wants to rule the
realms this was a behind the scenes at
the realms that had a huge amount of
in-jokes in it
including elminster me and james
louder on mulholland pottery and the
difference between the 13th and 14th
dynasties you know
but yes ed was there sniff with the
forklift with all of his notes
so i i
um my question to you
my question for you would be was
dwalimar omen a stand-in
for elminster because you couldn’t use
elminster was there maybe some politics
using one of the main npcs in that way
no because because later on we have them
drinking together
um omen was a original character
for the comic the head of the realms
um so but he was uh just
an original character we created rags
was the artist for those for those early
uh like about the first 16 20
and he did a fantastic job i really
liked omen’s look
um i loved all the characters so i
thought i thought you did just
that’s great there’s no point in doing
new realms
products if you don’t add something to
the settings so we’re always adding new
spells new magic items new places new
little wrinkles because
and and that’s the thing every new
design team
that that gets on the realms
it’s being like being handed the keys to
the vet you want to drive the car
you you want it your chance to take it
for a spin so why not
that’s the that’s the fun of this so
we’re always adding stuff
so jeff i wanted to ask you something
not realms related
because for those of you who may not
know your background you know maybe some
new fans of d d um
you were involved in a ton of products
for dnd and i’m going to put a graphic
up here you won’t be able to see it but
the viewers will
um of all your a lot of your work you
you wrote the manual of the plains first
edition for a d
and d you wrote the alcademe setting for
you wrote spell jammer you wrote the
marvel face rip game
you wrote a few novels um one of these
games that
that’s making sort of a comeback it’s
become a meme on twitter almost
is spell jammer um people seem to have a
real fondness for spell jammers oh yes
and and this sort of victorian space
uh wrapped around a d d setting
i guess my question to you is regarding
spell jammer
what were you guys smoking in in lake
geneva back then and
can i have some of that
spells number confirmed i yes
i i think that wants to just taunts
people with that you know
um yeah you’ve always asked that
question about manual the planes too and
the answer is uh no no really i’m just
that crazy
um spell chamber came out of a pitch
meeting we all went to lunch
at a local bar restaurant
uh called auggies um in lake geneva
and this one and this was jim ward was
in charge warren spector was his second
in command
we were all pitching ideas and i pitched
an idea of you’ve got a guy
in full armor you know a fighter he’s
standing on the deck of a ship
in space and he’s not floating off and
he’s not gonna breathe and basically
have space adventures
and jim loved that idea and that started
us down the path
that became spell jammer and so it
really did come
out of the aether as far as and it was
interesting because
um one thing i always bothered me was
you know people would say
oh no d that’s your generic fantasy
stuff so we’re like hey we’re giving you
space then we’re getting your crystal
spheres and we’re giving you
all sorts of stuff and now yeah the
indian space is now just your standard
as well so okay fine and we push the
borders back and that’s where the
borders are
so but it was a it was a great it was a
great little setting and
i love there’s the new baldur’s gate
that’s coming out as a computer game and
i just
the opening cinematic for that has a
nautiloid that basically is flying and
gets yankee
on red dragons just you know okay this
is cool stuff
you know well there’s some of the fifth
edition adventures actually have little
easter eggs to spell jammer uh sprinkled
throughout them
so spell jammer is very much still a
thing in the fiction the gift shows up
yeah and i i think they basically you
make reference to it every so often i
don’t i don’t know if they’re ever going
to do a
spell jammer setting or a hardback no
one talks to me
but you know i but every time they do
the the fandom
basically says ooh spell jammer they’ve
been confirming spell jammer for the
past six
years yes
i know for the past six years i i i
believe mike merles just likes winding
them up
so what was your favorite d d product to
work on
if you have to pick one you have to pick
one book i really liked al hadin
alkadin i would say al-khadim was
actually was excellent arabian
andrea heyday was my editor and also
wrote a section of that
and i thought that it was just a really
change of channels for dungeons and
dragons again pushing it pushing the
borders back
and basically making it true to a
different culture
that’s not western european so
i would go with that i’m gonna say ed
what’s your favorite i i have three
different answers because
okay three different things the favorite
one in terms of what we have in the
is the third edition baseline product
because we managed
to try to do the same thing that
uh steve did with d and d you know
crammed the court into the pipe pot so
we managed to get the most coverage into
you also managed to cram the map of the
fergana realms into a different sized
and you actually have to shrink the
continent to make it fit this
yes that’s a little bit of an easter egg
yeah i don’t know yes
actually yes at one point rich richard
baker you know who
did design work on that basically
brought the realms map to me in shreds
and said what do you think
it’s interesting you know because that’s
what we’re going to do
that got a lot of a lot of pushback so
okay anyway that was your favorite one
you had the most fun on
um i think the one okay the one i had
the most fun on
personally would probably be
seven sisters or code of the harpers
because i got to delve into a lot of the
the one that i had the most fun with the
end product but it was
doing it at frantic speed was the
forgotten realms adventures tone
right and it’s the most fun of the end
product because we covered
stuff that i thought was burningly
essential like
city maps to bring all those cities to
life okay now they’re no longer places
you have to
detour around on the map because we
haven’t we haven’t detailed them for the
dungeon master
you can go anywhere and the one i think
was the most frustrating
good sorry no i was just gonna say the
one that was always the most frustrating
was the volos guides and water deep
because i had to leave so much out word
count was never my friend
yes and mouse type and you better tell
the most type story because
fr1 the first module that we were
uh source book that we were writing was
on water deep and the north
and we basically had said so much about
water deep we had like two pages for the
and then we wanted to add all the guilds
so we shrunk all the type
into this little tiny mouse type for uh
for all the guild stuff and that was
like the last page of it
yeah oh boy but one thing i liked about
forgotten realms adventures was
those cities because i got a two i
basically worked out a two-day two-page
the idea of yes uh basically just have
both pages facing that’s something
that’s sort of a
holy grail type thing as far as you know
far as game designers were concerned we
wanted to have everything on two pages
and we’ve tried it a number of times and
here it worked because we basically had
all the information
that hopefully you need where do you go
where do you stay
who’s in charge who’s really in charge
uh and in one
nice little place at big at the
as well um the most frustrating project
for me and you were not a part of this
was uh the curse of the azure bonds
uh adventure
um azure bonds was a novel my wife and i
we took it and we adapted its
setting and some of the characters for
an ssi computer game
goldbox and we were going to release a
adventure 128 pages for that as well and
i was
behind with other projects and so a
number of friends we all had to dog pile
on it
and you know i’m i’m writing during the
day and reviewing at night
and just getting everything together in
one place
in order to you know basically make the
turnover and you know that’s happened
every so often to every designer i know
and that’s where it happened to me
so you’ll see if you look at the forgot
the curse the azure bonds
reddit you’ll notice there’s a lot of
names in there so
all right so there’s a lot of questions
in the chat and i’m gonna take the last
few minutes of the show and and go
through them and see what he is
let’s see what you guys can say all
right so here we go
um i’m gonna read them verbatim
s martin is listed as both the editor
and one of the authors of the original
admd for gun realms campaign set
alongside jeff and ed
how does she shape and influence the
forgotten realms in that book like what
parts did she write
anybody want to take that go ahead
oh you’re going to give it to me yeah
karen asked boom garden uh currently
karen conlon
she has her own uh website she’s still
doing freelance editing
uh but she was oh gosh
so responsible for keeping my sanity
when we were basically putting all that
together because it was a
it was a book it was a box set with more
texts that we had done before
and getting everything correct and i
think this is why you know our editors
are the secret heroes of the ts early
tsr era era
when we’re putting out all this ones and
karen is you know
at the top ed here’s a question for you
best way to
view an editor is to think that you’ve
got two crazy idea guys saying oh we
gotta have this in the box we gotta have
this in the box
and the editor makes the trains run on
time and not run into each other
he was the grown-up in the room yeah so
that that’ll lead me to this question
that somebody had in the chat what
darlings from those original texts
did you um did you have to leave
out and have yet to make it into the
realm so maybe they’ll edit it out
darlings yeah like any yeah any
favorites i just haven’t made it in yet
because of whatever reason
oh there’s tons of stuff from the realms
that hasn’t made it into the published
but not a lot of stuff from the original
turnover packages
the problem there was everything was
they did not want a new product line to
be a bottleneck
of slowly squeezed out products they
to have a world that they were standing
behind and bringing a lot of stuff out
so there was no time to say oh um
we’ll get to that in you know it’s like
no what do we got okay we have to turn
this into a product okay what else can
we spin off what else can we develop in
a hurry
so that there is a line a product line
here so
stuff that there was a time at which
both jeff and karen said okay no more
we got what we need for that we’ll just
chop all these other bits off and do
other products from them
right so there was therefore there was
not stuff left out from what i
originally turned over
they stopped me turning over stuff did
they ever
publish the collective nouns for
no no yeah
what you call a group of ropers did that
ever show up in any product
yeah no um and they cut
the there were some monsters and oh the
they thought the recipes offended
against the code of conduct
dragon soup and so on because you had
intelligent creatures and creatures yeah
yeah and it was like um okay well in
real life you do this all the time so
uh oh never mind no and
and that yeah and oh the one thing that
did offend against the code of conduct
and got written got taken out all the
way across
anything to do with human blood like
human blood as a as a material component
for a spell
uh there there was a bowl of blood magic
uh there was things you could do with
blood using
sword magic if you had a magic sword and
you managed to draw blood with it there
was a spell you could cast
all of that went away because it was
using human blood right and it was
presumably that so that to stop
somebody in real life doing something
uh what we had the uh i had a code of
conduct that was the
comics code of the era and you know that
created all sort of like scratched off
comics and wrote in games
and so that created all sorts of
challenges that we would have but yes
but that but primarily it was because
you know we’re trying to you know
uh move it into a mass market and uh be
more accommodating for it
well yes what happened to the idea i
know that the original idea was sort of
this concept that the realms were
forgotten but once upon a time we were
all connected through these portals and
these doors and whatnot
and that over time sort of faded away
into not really being kind of touched on
too much
uh am i right there that it kind of sort
of faded away into the background it
wasn’t really a
main part of the realms as the game
why was that
you mean in fact we don’t have people
visiting from our world
into the realms well i know we had the
wizards three columns in dragon and
that’s that’s something that they did
for fun and dragon man but but i mean
like there was this idea
those were powerful wizards so you know
but it was this idea that there were
these portals that connected everybody
and and that sort of just
like kind of went away i’m not sure if
maybe i’m wrong about that but just
that’s part of the feeling i get okay i
i was never on staff at tsr
so this is me reading the tea leaves
from one afar
i think a little bit of it was the let’s
not have any steam tunnels
stuff from what was happening in you
know and let’s just not go there
and the second thing was portal fantasy
can be its own
game setting and sure enough basically
playing skateboarder whatever but i mean
um so therefore and and there was an
attempt early on to separate
the realms worlds uh sorry the tsr
worlds for instance we didn’t publish
much of my heraldry in the realms
because heraldry was greyhawk
right we didn’t have uh
riders of aerial beast with lances
in the realms even though i had them in
the realms in in the center him
were writing followings and he was like
no that’s dragon lance
so let let’s let’s differentiate the
worlds and so therefore
i think some i think the portal fantasy
which was in my gates article back in
dragon 37 and i was
exploring all that you know the the idea
and then
that the very first fantasy novels are
william morris
because he he sort of originates the
novel format
and one of them is the wood between the
worlds which is
right a portal fantasy you know so it’s
been around since the beginning but i
think i
i think that they de-emphasize that for
those dual reasons
i’m going to say not so much for the
dual reasons i don’t remember us
ever you know saying ah we can’t have
them writing foul followings because of
uh dragon lands and i believe we did put
some heraldry into was it in the
first or second edition uh oh regardless
of adventures yeah forgotten but you’re
right about grey hawk you know basically
the original gray hawk portfolio
showing all of the heraldry of all of
the different nations of greyhawk
so and plus the one difference between
grey hawk and
realms was greyhawk had more borders you
realms we’ve got you know shadowdale
we’ve got cormier
and over here we’ve got waterdeep and
we’ve got this sort of
nebulous spot with some city-states in
it along the
main road between them and that’s about
it so it’s not like it’s not like a
world where
you see every everything has been
interesting uh let me see what other
questions we have you know there’s a
fergana realms magic the gathering card
set coming out
and i’m not a magic the gathering place
i don’t really know much about it
but the buzz seems to be that elminster
did not make it onto the card set
what’s up with that he’s not unlisted on
the spoilers actually
yesterday i went looking up the spoiler
list and
and uh the biggie did not make it so
made it came to me well i presume
elminster wouldn’t sit still for the
photo op well
that’s a good point yeah you know
i mean the artist has to paint him and
he probably says i do have better things
to do
than watch paint dry all right
i’m getting close to wrapping up i’m
getting close
no no go ahead go ahead finish finish
your thought
okay looking behind the scenes i looked
a lot of it are some
characters and figures and situations
which have been appeared
recently in uh d d
uh products like xanathar’s on the list
uh volo is on the list uh he is volo
comma guide to monsters
um so so so basically we’re seeing some
some of the ones that are more recent in
nature as opposed to some of the older
so here’s the question i have two of the
designers of you know jeff i consider
you one of
one of the designers of the fergana
realms at least the classic realms as
much as that
here’s a question for you guys you guys
um tasked with producing
uh a futuristic version of the fergana
realms where is faroon in
1500 years
i always said the mindset of the realms
wasn’t medieval so much as it was
um early industrial in other words we
magic that is doing a lot of things
um i thought always that’s doing a lot
of things that we would you know
transportation etc uh even something as
simple as a light spell
can transform a society uh one of the
pieces that i think
would change everything is and and you
can give
a voicing on this as well is being able
mass produce magical books a magical
printing press
and that would happen over the next 1500
years and that would transform it i
would say
the world would look a lot more like
which is you know a highly magical
down to the south so what do you think
because you’ve got mystra
pushing that mr is pushing that as her
a magically literate populace and to
have a magically literate populace
they have to be literate so it’s going
to change everything it’s going to be
very much an equalizer true in terms of
the the lower class and the middle class
it’s going to become
a society where the the bottom
the people at the bottom have more and
participate more and the people at the
top can’t oppress as much
do you think we’ll still have kings
anybody can push back
um i think the obama line is still in
the world
i would think we would but i think
they’d be more like a british
constitutional monarchy the king
or queen is a figurehead there’s a
ruling council
things are decided and then
the monarch puts the the trappings on it
the pomp and circumstance and we have
that a bit in one monarch
yeah yes yeah can you imagine a water
filled with skyscrapers
it already is from their point of view
and and you already have buildings in
that are have a flying buttress a flying
bridge to another tall building
so they can both go higher without
falling down
so uh assuming you don’t have any
or the dragon wards don’t fail and a
dragon decides it’s going to have fun
knocking down buildings
in an afternoon i would say it’s just
going to keep going up and up and up
the real estate is getting more and more
valuable and people don’t want to go to
pro the expense of building
at great expense outside so you have a
longer travel time when you can build up
where you already are
same thing that happens in our real
world so we see water deep is more of a
yeah density is going up in places that
have good natural
solid ground to build on and places that
good harbors and or water supplies or
i you’re not going to have um the
brazilians of this world where they
artificially decide we’re going to put a
huge city here in the middle of nowhere
and there’s not a particularly
compelling reason to supply it
except political decision i think i
don’t think we’re going to reach that
i think they’re going to develop what
they have already and places that don’t
have a logical development like baldur’s
gate is
expanding because more and more people
want to be there right but
we’re now moving into substandard land
and therefore you’re not going to get
resistance from people who are farming
that land
because it’s not good farmland that sort
of thing um
and and climate’s gonna have the
question then comes
that do we have any major climate shift
does that affect things
because people like ten towns are
hanging on
if it gets really colder or warms up a
lot it’s going to change
things well we also have magic and
control weather as a spell
so that therefore you know we can
actually do
the magical equivalent of say the thames
that basically at the mouth of the
thames basically protect it from storm
we can basically create that magically
either through
golems that can you know basically move
things but also through spells i can see
creating spell towers that basically
will guarantee
a temperate environment even you know
around now that becomes a question of
how it’s owned who can afford it that
sort of thing
here we go and that’s where your next
wars are
yeah it’s warring weather control spells
and yeah because you’re setting
something up you made everybody if
if you set that up in cormier you may be
screwing up what’s going across the uh
sea of dragons yeah okay yep sorry this
this we we do this all the time so
conflict will always be with us
yeah yeah that it it’s always dynamic
it never ends all right so there’s
always going to be conflicts and there’s
always going to be change
i promised you i wouldn’t take up too
much of your time this is going to be my
last thing and i have to ask only
because well it’s not really a question
but i have to mention it because
because i have both of you here and i’m
a huge nerd and i’m going to geek out
for a moment
my current fifth edition campaign is a
direct sequel to the comic book the
the party is the crew of the realms
the crew is the new uh the party is the
new crew of the realms master
and dwalimar omen lives inside the astro
lab of nimrod as a disembodied soul
and he is still on his quest to gather
the most dangerous artifacts okay
realms um the
the golem minder is still on the ship
watching over the astrolab
she doesn’t move she doesn’t speak she’s
just sort of a an entity looming over
the astrolabe
making sure that dwalamar is safe my
question to you jeff
is in the current era of the forgotten
realms where would a guy like foxy the
the halfling be if i want to introduce
him into my game
where could i find him
you know i have only we i joked with
that about
how a lot of the characters from uh the
early realms have managed to survive
into the current realms
they all have and you know a dragon bait
made a
made a recurrence you know and then it’s
just i would say
foxy foxy at this point
would probably have his own setup i
think he has a lot he has a large family
okay you know he basically has he’s made
he’s semi-retired uh he’s basically
the the family uh a patriarch
and you know it but it just feels that
whole you know day-to-day dealing with
his family getting under his nerves
and this would be an opportunity for him
to go out for one last hurrah
for one last great great adventure
that’s just just what i i would throw
you know the other option is taking into
account the time thing
is it could be his descendants there
could be you know a group of
card locks of which fox salon is held as
the family hero
you know because he went off and and did
all this so both of those are options
one of my players actually has a
halfling book of jokes
that belonged to foxy that he found on
the ship
on a crate or something that he has as a
item uh as a little tie back to the
comic book but yeah so i just so i have
a question for you
where is the moon penguin of boof in
your campaign
that’s from one of the that’s from one
of the a d and d comic books correct
that’s not from the forgotten realms
comic book it’s from an annual
but it was a team up it was a team up
between the fog forgotten yes team
and the uh uh ad and d team the dwarf
and the centaur
from the add comics and the fergana
team i have not introduced it to my
campaign but now i’m going to look into
it and do it it was a crowd and realms
and okay the
moon penguin of boo yes
i think i think with the moon penguin
i’m going to wrap it up here guys
i i want to thank you so much for the
last tonight
the last time it was in saloni’s hand so
it might still be there
well thank you for having us it’s been
really good it’s
fun thank you i had a great time i wish
i could talk
you know another two hours but i’m going
to be respectful of your times
and um hopefully we’ll do this again
and to everybody to everybody watching i
want to thank you for joining us
um you know i’m going to try to do this
often and i i can’t promise you that i’m
going to do this weekly
but i’m going gonna try to do this as
often as i can bring someone on
someone hopefully you know as great as
my two first guests
tonight that that made this debut a
fantastic show
so again thank you guys thank you to our
viewers and
stand by for the next show we’ll see all
right bye everybody
thank you bye take care
Go check out some of the highlights of my chat with Ed Greenwood and Jeff Grubb. I had a great time with them. Spelljammer confirmed! https://t.co/0dP4P2VNQzYou can also find the full interview on youtube https://t.co/0fiXcKKopX, and on apple podcasts (The NewbieDM Show). #dnd
— NewbieDM (@newbiedm) July 8, 2021
Was a very funny interview
GRAZIE to you, @TheEdVerse and @GrubbsTweet !!!! 👏…another one please!
— Zoltar SageAdvice 🔮🐲🎲 (@SageAdviceDnD) July 8, 2021