The prophecy came true! What an uproar!
The Dread Ring became a blind king who danced with me
Ere the dragon screamed out crawling curses three
Tore down the castle and flung it into the sea
Leaving just the courtyard, covered with gore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2019
For I have seen the new dragon challenge—and savage—the old
Shredding it into a dire, dying fall
For there comes a day for all when enfeeblement outstrips the swagger bold
And it comes, all too soon, for us all— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 15, 2019
To defend the kingdom we weary few did try
But there, and there, and yonder, smoke is rising into the sky
Those halls of our merry past dining
Burn, and there’s no use whining
Soon the realm will be but a name recalled with a sigh— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 16, 2019