the rest of the monks vanished in an unknown ritual leaving only Figit behind. Any thoughts?Sounds like the kenku uncovered a secret that Vecna didn't want getting out.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 7, 2017
His thought is that these Kenku were trying to atone for the crime that lost them their wings and so forth. Vecna huh?
— Cj de Boer (@seige83) September 7, 2017
If I was gunna go the vecna angle for his flocks disappearance anything I should know about Vecna. I’m aware of him from the DMGVecna loves secrets and hidden lore. He wants to know things that no one else does, even if it means killing off anyone else who knows it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 7, 2017