Her dress did rip and did floorward slip
Creating a draft behind
A conjured wind then blew and freshened the view
Ere her furious spell struck us all blind— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 20, 2022
The slowest of us, and so, the one the dragon ate
Was that odious and tiresome ingrate of a prelate
Now, overhead, dragon belly is rumbling thunderous hard
Perhaps I should feed him bishops by the yard— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 21, 2022
They’ve shut the princess in dark tower away
For she doth hiss and burble in dismay
As detached tentacles like crawling worms gnaw her brain
Going out one dainty ear then in again
Though the brain-eater that shed them is two realms away— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 22, 2022