People keep tagging me in this and frankly, I cry every single time because I feel so seen. Thank you, Jeremy. 💕😭A WONDROUS PEOPLE
Whenever you find yourself in a bustling city, you’re likely to spot a wonderful variety of folk. You hear words in languages utterly foreign to you, and you smell dishes both delectable and strange. Waterdeep is the ultimate city of such delights, and before long, the alien thing becomes familiar to you, and the stranger becomes your friend.
The people of Waterdeep are among the greatest of its splendors. Fashion, comportment, love — these things are practiced with an art and a zest in the city uncommon elsewhere. Visit a festhall or festival and see for yourself! And don’t miss the cross-dressing performers who regale audiences with humor and song. Fabulous — that word doesn’t begin to describe it, especially when they enhance the merriment with magic.
The city is also a haven for those who define for themselves what it means to be a man or a woman, those who transcend gender as the gods do, and those who redefine entirely who they are. What confidence! I never tire of witnessing it. I have seen folk in Waterdeep whose lives are more magical than the marvels possible with spells.
— mazz (@mazzmatazz) September 9, 2018
This is absolutely amazing, and is a wonderful sign of changes being made in the industry. Thank you to @JeremyECrawford for writing this, and the entire #dnd #WOTCstaff for being part of this #inclusion @ChrisPerkinsDnD @NathanBStewart @mikemearls @katewelchhhh @satinephoenix
— DOTS RPG Project (@DOTSrpg) September 9, 2018
this was all @JeremyECrawford !
— kate welchhhh (@katewelchhhh) September 9, 2018
My pleasure! 💖🌈
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 9, 2018
Thank you for the kind words!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 9, 2018