Was reading SKT and saw this pic.twitter.com/tuevW8QiNJ
— Ser Reddstone (@SerReddstone) July 10, 2019
Nods to real life are sprinkled throughout our D&D books. For example, when I put in the detail in Storm King's Thunder that the Osstras were raising their good-hearted, 23-year-old nephew, my 23-year-old nephew was living with me and my husband. #DnD #Family https://t.co/JKbD31qZgm
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 10, 2019
There's a widow in SKT in Triboar whose was married to a woman. Probably other examples in that module, too!
— Stephanie M. (@adragonlover5) July 11, 2019
In Storm King's Thunder, you learn that Urgala Meltimer's wife went missing in the Underdark. In Dungeon of the Mad Mage, you can find her wife and reunite them.
We think of our adventures as a family of stories, with many interconnections. #DnD https://t.co/rAwnpBh7qX
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 11, 2019
Crazy I didn’t know she was a widow! She's not a widow. Her wife is alive in Dungeon of the Mad Mage.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) July 11, 2019