“Well, is the way ahead likely to be as populated with enemy soldiers as the way we’ve just traversed?”
“Not unless they’re far more numerous than I believe them to be. I think we’re broken through their presence, hereabouts.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 11, 2019
“And if you’re wrong?”
“Then we’ll be dead, as usually happens when powerful courtiers are wrong. Then all your cares will be ended, and you can even greet the gods satisfied that you can tell my shade: I told you so.” 3)
“Why do I find that scant consolation?”
“And if this goal of yours—ours—is guarded by the foe? What then?”
“We eliminate them.”
“We and WHAT team of clever murderers?”
“Who needs a team of clever murderers? We’ve got Wolf.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 11, 2019