“Well, Master Thief?”
“Behind yon door is a hallway lined with doors. One of them glows, one of them has teeth, one of them has long spindly legs like a spider’s that reach for anyone coming near, one of them has a heap of…#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 14, 2018
…gnawed human bones in front of it, and one chuckles to itself all the time.”
“So which one is the safe way on?”
“The one with the bones. It’s eaten already. The others are likely still hungry.”
“What? THAT’S your logic?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 14, 2018
“Who’s the Master Thief, here?”
“Right. You go first.”
“Oh, no. Having acted as consultant, it would be unprofessional of me to take advantage of that to also be First Enabler.”
“Oh, that conflict of interest thing you were…#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 14, 2018
…explaining yestereve?”
“Yes, exactly.”
“Good. I didn’t understand a word, and when I don’t understand glib thieves’ words… So you go first. Or else.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 14, 2018