Skeleton chuckling in the night
Making doorstep delivery ere the dawn light
It’s something grisly in a bottle
Don’t let it out; they often pounce and throttle— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 13, 2021
Still “saer” and “milady/m’lady” for most folks, when addressing most others (“my lady” is more formal, and “lord saer” is more humble/reverent).
Note that “saer” is not “sir;” it means you want to be polite and respectful, but… 2)
…don’t know someone’s rank or official title. “Friend” is sometimes menacing/a warning (“I don’t know, friend, but I DO know…”), but need not be (tone of voice makes the difference). “Fellow” is safer (means “fellow sufferer”).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 14, 2021