question if you don’t mind, what did people call the year before YK? I doubt they would call it “year -3 YK” and in “people” I mean the general consensus around khorvaire, hope you see this 🙂 Prior to Galifar, you had a number of different calendars in use; the point of YK was to establish a unified system. The only pre-Galifar calendar that we've named is the Qabalrin Wheel (QW) which is used by the Aereni.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) October 31, 2020
I’d expect that the Zil had their own calendar, the goblins used something descended from the Dhakaani calendar, and humanity used calendars derived from either Pyrinean or Nulakeshi systems. The YK calendar is most likely based on the Pyrinean model (Pyrine also being the origin of Galifar's interpretation of the Sovereign Host).
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) October 31, 2020