@ChrisPerkinsDnD @mattcolville @JeremyECrawford Important! Question: What happens if you eat a bag of holding?— Ryan Davis (@ModestlyEpic) November 14, 2016 Assuming you could physically swallow the bag of holding, you would eventually poop it out. #passthebag #WOTCstaff https://t.co/atKOuOx5WK— (((Chris Perkins))) (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) November 14, 2016 @ChrisPerkinsDnD So what you're saying is,…

@ChrisPerkinsDnD question: what would happen to a severed head in a bag of holding after a month?— curtis black (@garshnag) April 6, 2016 The bag does not preserve contents. The head would rot. https://t.co/8JUGTA5enr— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) April 6, 2016 @ChrisPerkinsDnD Wouldn't that require air? I always understood lack of…

@JeremyECrawford @mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnD Any of you know if putting a cursed item in a bag of holding would protect from ill effects?— Duragar Ironroc (@Dvergr76) June 24, 2015 IMO, it's the DM's call ultimately, but if the curse has already taken hold, I'd say no. https://t.co/0qlClyKyQT— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) June…