A question for @JeremyECrawford: Red dragons are immune to fire damage, but what if I threw one into a volcano? Are they THAT immune? Asking for an elf. Thanks!
— Jean Lorber (@jlorber4) May 16, 2018
Reds love to bathe in lava. They lair in volcanoes when possible
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) May 16, 2018
If you somehow threw a red dragon into lava, it might thank you: “What a lovely bath!” Red dragons love volcanos. Immunity to fire damage is that comprehensive. #DnD https://t.co/qPMyvq9xpI
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 16, 2018
So buy this logic then they should be immune to lightning bolts and be able to walk on the sun ?
Since its fire immunity?
FYI lightning bolts are hotter then the sun it’s the heat that damaged people and it’s more so then the electricity— don (@Agamemnon5174) May 17, 2018
D&D is a game set in a world of magic. In the D&D multiverse, the laws of physics often hold little sway. Story, game rules, fantastical metaphors—those are the forces that the DM usually wield to shape how the multiverse works. #DnD https://t.co/LaF1w3OwEb
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 17, 2018
Well done! ✨
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 17, 2018
I used this argument when one of my players started talking about things in dnd being made of molecules. “The periodic table has no sway here!” Aw ☺️
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 17, 2018
While I completely agree, I’m wondering where all these “It’s about what makes a good story” replies where when I suggested a feat that grants an animal companion with scaling hit points. If as Fido the corgi surviving 20 levels to help take out a red dragon isn’t a good story… A corgi helping fight a dragon—that sounds like an adorable story to me! I'd be on the edge of my seat, hoping the corgi didn't get burned. 🐉🐕
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 17, 2018
They were all like “But that’s not realistic! An animal can’t gain levels of experience the way a PC can!”
First of all: factually wrong. Second of all, 20th-level corgis. Your argument is invalid. If a DM says a corgi can gain levels, that corgi can gain levels!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) May 17, 2018