what is the level of medical…know how in the realms? No x-rays machines, obviously, bur how about antibiotics in some form? Maybe knowledge on germs or something? It varies from place to place, but most healers (most large temples have clergy and laity good at tending the sick and wounded) understand cleaning wounds, healing herbal ointments, bandages, splints, and natural substances that "eat" infections. A Realms…#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 30, 2019
…first aider in many places and times is as good as a modern real-world first aider. And for local problems (i.e. known local poisonous plants and critters), treatment is usually superb. Healing magic is a "big gun" last resort for many, so they're ready to do everything else.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 30, 2019