The attire can shift from position to position/title to title. The color scheme largely revolves around a medium grey and solid blue, with detailing in white & silver at times.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 18, 2019
Always classic "monk-style" attire, or do they have all kinds of styles depending on geography/task with colours being the main common thread?
— NiteLite (@havesp) December 18, 2019
Only some members of the Cobalt Soul are monks. Other members are Knowledge Clerics of Ioun, Bards, Fighters…many are just standard researchers, caretakers, and historians. Remember, few NPCs have an actual character class. 😉
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 18, 2019
But to answer your question, the attire varies based on position. Researchers and teachers lean more scholarly robes, while clerics bear ceremonial armors and wraps, fighters bear heavier defenses, and monks lean closer to Beau’s esthetic. The colors are the general constant.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 18, 2019
always blue/ aquamarine vibes? Elements of it. It’s not strictly enforced, and they don’t have to wear it at all times, but the standard dress generally incorporates the theme.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) December 18, 2019