… the ruins of Maligor's mansion at the bottom of a chasm north-west of Bezantur. What kinds of creatures and treasures might they find in the former domain of the presumably deceased zulkir of Transmutation, @TheEdVerse? 2/2 pic.twitter.com/z6e7NUAz2P
— Matthew Dawkins (@clackclickbang) April 12, 2020
I must tread SO carefully around NDAs here, but I CAN say Maligor would have placed various enchanted “anchor” stones that inhibit transmutation (in fields around them) into his mansion, to curb transmutations he cast from ‘running amok’ in chain-fire fashion. And Maligor would have transmuted monsters into the forms of quite different monsters, to gain prowling (when unleashed) guardians that would surprise intruders. Failures got eaten, but successes might have gotten free from stasis (to roam hungrily) by now.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 13, 2020