whats the greatest secret, waiting to be discovered in the realms? A rare recipe? A terrifying dungeon? A secret identity yet to be revealed? What hidden thing has lain wait for too long and will birth a hundred new legends if it were to emerge into the world? Hard to say which still-waiting secret is the "greatest." It all depends on your POV, and that in turn depends in large part if you survive the reveal.
I've said before that major secrets have been hiding in plain view since the birth of the published Realms.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) June 18, 2020
Sorry, the greatest secrets of the Realms are NDA. Literally: 33 years ago I was asked to create a list of great behind-the-scenes secrets of the setting, that could be used by TSR designers in future Realms projects. Some have been used. The rest…wait for us all.#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 3, 2020
I’m assuming that amongst them is Durnan’s REAL secret to eternal life, and Asmodeus’ personal chili recipe Heh. You can't make Asmodean Chili without the fires of Nessus, and Durnan's treasure takings as an adventurer included a chest of Potions of Longevity. Couple that with Mystra spotting what he had and making him an unwitting Weave anchor (Yes! Another one!)…#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) July 5, 2020