timeline question: When did Dragonshards as magic fuel become important? 498YK Tharashk discovered, 811YK first Lightning Rail, but somehow House Tharashk only stepped up mining in the Shadow Marches & Q’barra the past decade? What delayed them so long? Multiple answers. 1) The scale of magical industry has increased dramatically over the last two centuries. 2) The process of REFINING dragonshards is something that advanced in that period, which in turn drove that rise of industry. Beyond that…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 7, 2020
… there’s a simple mechanical principle. The MARK doesn’t let you find dragonshards. The PROSPECTOR’S ROD does. That’s a focus item and a relatively recent development that has changed the direction of the house. Tharashk began as HUNTERS, and largely focused on inquisitive work and bounty hunting. The development of the Prospector’s Rod opening up a new direction for the house — one that has dramatically increased its wealth and influence.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 7, 2020
Ah, so the key is about ten years ago (Around the same time as the airship?) there was a breakthrough with the Prospector’s Rod, and that’s transformed the house’s relationship with Q’barra and its home, the Shadow Marches Not exactly. I’ll write a quick post about it.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) March 7, 2020