When someone drowns underwater, their HP goes to 0. What happens then? RAW it seems like they make death saving throws, potentially stabilizes? PHB pg 183, "Suffocating." "…drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again."
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) January 20, 2020
So that would be failures till you’re out of the water? It doesn't say you fail death saves. I'd rule that you keep rolling and recording saves. If you get 3 successes, when you can breathe, you'll recover. If you get 3 failures, even if you got 3 successes first, you die.
— 🅱️rison 🅱️lanet (@k_rad) January 20, 2020
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) January 20, 2020