Did it hurt? When you realized that high-level encounters are exactly the same as low-level encounters except you deal more damage and the monsters have more hit points?
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) September 3, 2021
Ooof! I’m here to reveal the hard truths.🤣
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) September 3, 2021
I feel like I learned this quickly and it’s why high-level content never appealed to me much. Me too. There’s a definite curve to the game of “more powerful = more exciting” that goes up for a while, and then it flattens at about 9th level.
(Oddly, though, writing high-level content is always great fun.)
— Scott Fitzgerald Gray (@scottfgray) September 3, 2021
Monsters mostly feel like bags of hit points. 4e mixed it up more often. I guess you can sell the concepts of higher levels and stronger powers. The gameplay doesn’t change much though unless it gets more complicated. And that slows everything down. A lot of people I respect don’t like it when I say the game should basically be the same at all levels. Epic fun always. Interesting monsters and features always. No rats in the basement, unless somehow Epic rats of awesomeness.
— Alphastream (@Alphastream) September 3, 2021