I have 4 and a half acres in the country, 4 wooded, nigh Lake Ontario…so to me, it feels like the Cormyr shore near the Sembian border…or the southernmost Dales, verging into Sembia, or near Secomber, or the northern side of the mountains that form the northern border of Amn.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 16, 2018
I have 4 and a half acres in the country, 4 wooded, nigh Lake Ontario…so to me, it feels like the Cormyr shore near the Sembian border…or the southernmost Dales, verging into Sembia, or near Secomber, or the northern side of the mountains that form the northern border of Amn.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 16, 2018
Hm … interesting answers, Ed. So you kinda envision Lake Ontario as the far west arm of the Sea of Fallen Stars? And you’re somewhere between Westgate & Urmlaspyr?
Thx for your insights, Ed! I’m sure you get a lot of ?’s about the FR’s corollaries to our world’s geography Heh. I do. And I wince hard at folks who want to draw direct parallels between this or that real-world culture or historical culture or Hollywood version of historical culture, and lands or regions in the Realms. But Lake Ontario, aside from being freshwater and not salt, and…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 17, 2018
…a tad colder than the Dragonmere, would be a fairly close equivalent. And I'd be somewhere between Moonever and Urlmaspyr. NOT a direct locational analogy, but the same type of temperate mixed woodland, with weather extremes moderated by close proximity to a large water body.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 17, 2018
Okay, it’s official, I’m placing you, Ed G., on the onskirts of Moonever, Cormyr within my FR World. I’m now reading about the town in your ’95 book, Volo’s G. to Cormyr. Oyster merchants & netweavers. Interesting lore! I love finding new villages in the F.R. Thank you again, Ed! Heh. A pleasure! Drop by whenever you're near Moonever, and I'll have warm broth, cold ale, and little cakes ready. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 18, 2018