@narcisolemaHi Ed, I was reading books of Forgotten Realms but I couldn’t find the population of the cities. Where I can find that info? It's not a constant, even with 1 year (Waterdeep has huge summer pop, small winter one). And tax rolls are the only count in…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016
@narcisolema …most places, and aren't very accurate for total pop. I gave many cities pop figures in (2e) ForgottenRealmsAdventures hc…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016
@narcisolema …and the 3e FRCS and all of the regional sourcebooks (Shining South, Unapproachable East, etc.) give pop figures. Baldur's…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016
@narcisolema …Gate figs: see Murder in BG. Every DM should feel free to alter for their own campaign, of course. Update as you see fit. :}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 25, 2016