@TheEdVerse I was wondering where in the realms is the largest temple to the Red Knight was located?
— Lordandar (@FichLuke) February 9, 2020
In 1479 DR, the largest temple (in terms of resident clergy, budget, and influence on the lands around) consecrated to the Red Knight stands in Thaer’s Quarter, the easternmost “quarter” (a misnomer, as the city has seven 2)
…districts known as “quarters”) of the city of Akanax, in Chessenta. Known as Warfortress Hall, it is a small, square stone castle, under the command of the tireless, crisply diplomatic High Battleprelate Chartratha Paerender…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 9, 2020
…(LN hf C20/F6).
However, an older temple of the Red Knight that’s physically larger but consists of a central holy hall surrounded by a refectory, a guesthouse, a stables, and an armory (all less grand buildings than the 4)
…Warfortress, but spread out over a larger area), and has only half as many resident clergy as the Chessentan temple, claims primacy within the faith, though few outside of Tethyr agree. This is Red Knight’s Holyroost, …#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 9, 2020
…located in Saradush, Tethyr, and presided over by the much-scarred, terse High Battlelord Melguir Barauthar (LN hm C18/F8). City tallhouses in several of the streets around the Holyroost house wounded Red Knight clergy and 6)
…loyal lay worshippers on the mend, and a few retired or ‘battlebroken’ (PTSD in modern real-world parlance) clergy.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 9, 2020