Hello sir,
1/ My players arrived at Waterdeep and are currently repaying a favor to a Zentharim Officer (5e setting). Could you perhaps help me with something I couldn’t find in the books, which is what is the general point of view on the Zenths? 2/ I read they considered themselves as a mercenary family, us vs. the world mentality, ultimate goal is more power and money, but they do have that Bane affiliated past and such, are they even a legal organisation these days?
Thank you for your time— Textbook Toting Tiefling Teacher (@HadrienCamus) March 8, 2019
…which is a tolerant, crossroads trading center, the Zhents are viewed as “tough customer” traders who drive hard bargains, have military might enough to enforce their contracts and not be bullied, but are otherwise just a…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2019
…very large mercantile shipping and trading cabal among many others. Ruthless, with constant rumors of unethicality, and “bad folks to make enemies of,” but if you don’t intend to double-cross them or compete with them, but… …can instead arrange trade deals so they’re mutually beneficial, then folks you can trust in (they won’t go out of business, they won’t change their names and slip out of deals but go right on operating as “someone else,” …#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2019
…they won’t go to a lot of trouble swindling anyone because they don’t have to, and so on). Which is why they’re a playable faction in Adventurers League play; they’re not seen as an evil criminal organization or…#Realmslore 6)
…“pushy conquerors-to-be.” Over a century ago, in the Dales or the Vast or the Moonsea North or Sembia, most folk regarded Zhents as both of those things. And worse, thanks to the beholders and monster steeds and priests of Bane.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2019