Why are "fire" and "lightning" damage types, but water, air, and earth are not and usually just present as "bludgeoning"? 😘
— Polyteknix⚔ (@jamesmoon80) April 10, 2018
Water, earth, and air were determined to be three of the least popular elements from the television show "Captain Planet." We briefly considered the damage type "heart," but of course, everyone knows heart is the very worst. #wrongDnD #fakeJeremy https://t.co/K2aBlhADyL
— spoilers swag (@katewelchhhh) April 13, 2018
Wouldn’t ‘heart’ just be another name for psychic damage? (Not to detract from the given reason not to have ‘heart’ damage, mind you.)
Have you ever jumped into water from ±10 meters up? Well it hurts just as bad as smacking into the ground from about half the hight, it’s NOT PLEASENT. But if you think about it, the same logic can also apply to earth and wind getting hit with a rock is an impact based attack and if wind is strong enough it WILL move you.
I think it’s just another missed attempt for a revolutionary update.
Just think of getting elemental damage boosting equipment without the clunky “…bludgeoning damage from sources with a Water keyword, yadda yadda…” kind of phrase…