why should people try out dungeons and dragons if they never have because you’re missing out um because i was very sad at 25 to discover everything i’d missed um i think playing as a kid would have been really special and exciting and um i regret a little bit that i didn’t get to do that um but it was also a different time you know i i think when d d when i was young still felt like kind of an exclusive club kind of like you had to know the password before you could you could play um so you know it was what it was but i it’s i think with the right dungeon master or at least the right attitude about it it’s really not a very difficult space we all did it naturally i mean when we were five six seven eight just making up stories we were playing d d without a rule book you know it’s the same thing that’s how i feel when i play i feel like a 12 year old again just making stories up and you know putting on my fluffy skirts and dancing around in my room you know that’s the feeling that i get from it so we all know how to do it already you already know how to play d d it’s just again it’s that confidence and having someone at the helm who’s willing to do a little bit of research but again i would say start with like the very very basic rules make up your own five-room dungeon and a five-room dungeon can be anything it can be a castle it can be the side of a cliff it can be a forest it can be whatever you want but five sort of challenges of different kinds and run some you know run your friends through it and anytime you come up on a rule you don’t know just say what about this would you feel like you know and even if it’s not something you or i would do you know if it’s like what if i just took three hit points and let you cast that spell who cares right you just do it because you want the story moment to be fun and you want everyone to feel like they’re contributing from their imaginations so i yeah you everyone should give it a shot i’m a big champion i’m always willing if i if i know you and you haven’t played and you have even the slightest bit of interest i always offer it up i’m always like i will run a very basic two hour three hour beginning campaign for you just to see what this is because a lot of people i think don’t even really know what d d is and i want to at least give them that flavor of what it is i love that you’ve alluded in the past that sort of you know once you finally found some folks to play with uh you were like and then it changed my life um and now it’s like like how did it change your life oh boy uh one friendships so people who you know i struggle uh i struggle to make friends and be social in the more traditional ways um like going to bars or parties or even just having dinners i kind of need an activity or a topic like this is i could talk about like a specific thing that i love for hours like if it’s acting or dungeons and dragons or something like that i i have no problem talking but just the like general oh what do you do and how are you i just find myself second-guessing and feeling so self-conscious every single second but if i have an activity like if we’re bowling i can talk to you about your job or if we’re playing d and d i i just feel like i learn so much about who people are through play board games as well is that you know a big piece of that so i i no one can hide who they are in a board game yeah in a way and so i’ve many of my closest friends i’ve made through playing rpgs um and board games and and maintain those friendships through that uh you know that kind of like oh monthly get together like i know i’m gonna see them once a month or however that you know works so that’s been valuable um also quite literally like the career opportunities i mean it hasn’t you know exploded my acting career but i have this whole second life you know in a way that when when there’s a you know because acting is one of those kind of this kind of career where like sometimes you’re doing a lot and i’m not doing very much and then oh my god suddenly you’re doing more you know um and so to be able when i’m in these places to one make some money and to be creatively active um is an incredible gift so that’s been really spectacular and now you know looking potentially towards publishing looking towards running games on a more regular basis um you know it’s become more than sort of a side gig it’s sort of a second career so yeah i mean quite literally changed my life in that way i mean i wouldn’t be here talking to you that’s well i very much appreciated that this is why i’ve gotten to meet and know you a little bit over uh time on these things but i also love that anyone who’s watched rolex and rarities can see that that is a game that specifically only you would run in exactly the way you right um or could run in exactly the way you do it much as i would love to do like and and maybe will at some point in home games do my own national relics and rarities it’s do it it is knockoff i told you stealing is fine as long as you’re not like making money off of it steal stuff play with it at your table because that’s the other beautiful thing is the dnd books exist as they are but we always talk about how the game comes to life in its final form at your table and you are a key participant and shaper of that and that’s why every game is different even though it’s all good yeah full credit to the writers and everybody for building dnd that way right like this isn’t to say like oh their stuff wasn’t good enough it’s the opposite their stuff is so amazing that i can make this anything with it [Music] it’s tnt This was a blast! I nerded out hard. https://t.co/4WNxMvc99l
— Deborah Ann Woll (@DeborahAnnWoll) February 16, 2022