My friend just posed an interesting Eberron question. Why do you think the Warforged were set free? Forge of War’s take is that Boranel pushed for it after having promised it to increase loyalty among Warforged troops. Why else might it have happened? There’s a few factors. The treaty acknowledged the warforged as sentient, a truth conveniently ignored during war. Enslaving sentients is condemned by the Code of Galifar, so their freedom logically followed. So on one level it was addressing something many saw as injustice.
— Keith Baker🔜DragonCon (@HellcowKeith) August 13, 2019
Significantly: it was a step by the nations to limit the power of House Cannith, taken at a time when Cannith was reeling from the Mourning and ill-equipped to resist. It forced Cannith to shut down the creation forges and prevent the creation of further warforged armies.
— Keith Baker🔜DragonCon (@HellcowKeith) August 13, 2019