saw a reddit post about Cannith that raised a good question. With Droaam being outside of the Treaty of Thronehold, let alone place like Xendrik or Sarlona, could Cannith continue to make warforged in these locations? Or does the treaty specifically forbid 1/2 Cannith from making more warforged anywhere? It would he an interesting loophole for them to exploit, especially for a lesser known member hoping to take back the control of the House. 2/2
— Shelby Johnson – BLM ✊ COUNT EVERY VOTE (@iowadonkey) November 21, 2020
Under the same clauses that allow members of Dragonmarked houses to have the same rights as citizens of Thronehold nations, I’d say that it forbids the creation of warforged by any signatories, which includes Cannith, regardless of location. But… If you build your secret forgehold in Droaam or Sarlona, it has to be FOUND, and then we have to see who will actually act to enforce the Treaty and how. It's only two years old, and I don't think it's BEEN tested yet; it's not at all clear what will happen when it is.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 22, 2020