Hey Ed, another question that may help me in a campaign! Would Storm Silverhand introduce herself to a stranger as just Storm or would she use the full Ethena Astorma Silverhand? Or maybe when introduced by someone else? Just "Storm."
In the home Realms campaign she was once introduced rather grandly by an NPC doorwarden, and gently cut him off with, "Storm is sufficient."
Around Shadowdale, she's just "Storm" to neighbours. Those of other dales, and Harpers, call her "Lady Storm."#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 22, 2021
Does that have anything to do with the Chosen knowing the impact of Truename magic? No. No part of "Ethena Astorma Silverhand" is Storm's truename. Which has been partly revealed in published canon Realmslore, if you hunt diligently enough (I shan't so betray a lady).#Realmslore
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 23, 2021
I’d venture a guess that it’s just her character. When compared to her sisters like Sylune, Laeral and Alustriel, she never did strike me as, let’s say, “ladylike” 😀 Lathlaer has the right of it: it's just her character. Storm is down to earth and direct. Not rude/aggressive, but she doesn't love pomp or formality. Remember how long the Chosen have lived; they're largely beyond fear or even prudence, except when it comes to protecting others.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) April 23, 2021