“You a wizard?”
“Who wants to know, and why?”
“Now, now, no need to be defensive about it, friend. I’ve no quarrel with wizards; I simply wanted to know if you might have the experience to answer a simple question.”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 10, 2018
“Simple as in how the Cosmic All secretly works, or how to make gold out of dung, or…?”
“No, simple WITHOUT the sarcasm. As in: lots of thunderflashes on a local hilltop three nights back, but no storm, so…wizards’ duel?”#epic fantasy “And if it was?”
“Do we need to go see? Do a cleanup? Burial? Is there magical residue to beware of…? Farmers worry over such things.”
“Oh. Fair enough. It was a duel, yes.”
“I’m standing here, am I not?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 10, 2018
“And if it was?”
“Do we need to go see? Do a cleanup? Burial? Is there magical residue to beware of…? Farmers worry over such things.”
“Oh. Fair enough. It was a duel, yes.”
“I’m standing here, am I not?”#epic fantasy “So does that mean you won, or lost?”#epic fantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 10, 2018