You roll a natural one when attacking with a bow in a Dungeons & Dragons session. What happens? (somewhat humorous)
— Merric Blackman (@MerricB) September 7, 2021
You roll a natural one when attacking with a bow in a Dungeons & Dragons session. What happens? (somewhat humorous)
— Merric Blackman (@MerricB) September 7, 2021
I typically use the fumble table from Dragon magazine (Vol. 5, #01; Critical Hits and Bad Misses. P. 34-45). If the roll doesn’t match what would typically happen with a bow user then I would roll to see if the archer either fumbled with the arrow and it drops or clumsily misfires in a 1d8 compass direction up to 1d10 ft away or that the archerstumbled and then rolls a dexterity roll to stay on his/her feet or fall prone for 1d4 combat rounds.
I forgot about the string breaking, so there is that too. So, roll a D8 first to decide: 1-2 = shoot hits closest ally, 3-4 = fumbled arrow, 5-6 = archer stumbles, 7-8 = String breaks