Is "urinate in pants" considered an Action or a Bonus Action?— Greg Sampson (@Gre_sam) May 2, 2018 You might have to ask @mikemearls but if the urination is deliberate it’s an action, if it is involuntary it’s a bonus action. https://t.co/RsBuuOxryD— Dwarven Forge (@dwarvenforge) May 2, 2018 Action to do…

a thing I don't get: how can anyone use the proficiency in heavy armors gained by Tenser's Transformation? You can't cast It while wearing an armour without prof, and it takes too long to wear one after the castIt’s there for completeness - no reason to not give it, but…

@JacelendrahzCan an Artificers companion wear armor or wield weapons? no— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) March 16, 2017
A Jetpack on a horse would obviously be strapped on just like saddlebags, it’s the only logical way to evenly distribute the creatures weight.